Archive from Cumulus DAM

Archive your digital assets for maximum protection
A Media Asset Management System is the backbone of a production or media company. It keeps track of the valuable files and makes sure they are available when they are needed for production or broadcast. To keep the files safe even when they are not currently needed in your day-to-day work, Cumulus can be combined with P5 Archive.
Advantages of the Solution
- Available on Mac, Windows, iOS and web
- Seamless integration through Torino
- Archive and restore using Archiware P5, triggered from Cumulus interface
- Economic use of precious online storage space thanks to easy archiving
- Professional long-term storage on LTO tape
- Tape cloning for offsite storage
- Parallelization for higher performance when using multiple drives
- Cost effective extension that pays off by saving online storage investment
Archive to LTO from Canto Cumulus

Cumulus by Canto is a modern, flexible and powerful Media Asset Management System. Its browser-based interface offers access to assets from any computer, and there are apps for Mac and PC desktop, iOS and other mobile devices too. The sophisticated metadata technology supports all common standards and captures all kinds of metadata.
It can be used for file organization, visualization or workflow automation. Version control lets you keep track of all file changes. The comprehensive rights management based on roles and permissions makes sure that your content is only accessible to those who should see it.
Archiware P5 Archive perfectly complements Cumulus by migrating unused files to a disk or tape Archive. This process helps you save valuable online storage space and adds an extra layer of security, as archived material can be cloned and stored off-site. The most cost-effective and dependable storage media for an Archive is LTO tape, which has a 30 year certified life span and the lowest cost per TB of any storage solution on the market. Archiware P5 Archive is compatible with LTO drives and libraries from all major manufacturers. Archiware P5 and Cumulus are fully integrated through the P5 Integration by Torino, which allows users to archive or restore material directly from the Cumulus user interface.

Cumulus interface with Archiving tools
In its latest version for Archiware P5 and Cumulus 9.1.1, through the Torino integration, it also manages the job file, reports on errors that might occur and creates spools to the archive to better manage performance and tracking
LTO Facts
Speed | up to 400 MB/s uncompressed |
Capacity | 18,0 TB uncompressed |
Security | Servo Tracks, Verify, Error Correction, Auto Speed |
Lifespan | Certified for 30 Years |
Off-site storage | Simple, reliable, cost-effective |
Speed | up to 360 MB/s uncompressed |
Capacity | 12,0 TB uncompressed |
Security | Servo Tracks, Verify, Error Correction, Auto Speed |
Lifespan | Certified for 30 Years |
Off-site storage | Simple, reliable, cost-effective |