RStor & Archiware P5

Backup and Archive to high-efficiency expanded Cloud storage from RSTOR
Cloud storage offers extreme flexibility and on-demand capacity. RSTOR offers attractive services created for specific requirements by the media and entertainment industry. The simple integration with Archiware P5 provides an effective, long-term solution for maximum data security.
Maximum Data Security in the Cloud

Archiware P5 Archive and P5 Backup support cloud storage as target. Automatic backups in P5 Backup protect ongoing productions. With its MAM-like features, P5 Archive makes findig files simple, even years after a production is completed. Individual metadata schema can easily be created using customisable metadata fields and menus. Media previews and proxies enable visual browsing of the Archive catalog.
RSTOR’s fast, edge-distributed object storage offers agile cloud services targeted towards customer needs. To provide maximum security and improve access speed, RSTOR runs multiple data centres across the US, Europe and Asia.
Advantages of the solution
- No hardware investment/dependency
- Predictable expense through simple pricing model
- No maintenance or egress fees
- Accelerated file transfer
- Write speeds up to 3 times higher than Amazon S3
- Encryption during transfer and rest
- Multi-factor authentication
- Fault tolerance and high availability
- Geo distributed replication
- Media health monitoring
- Side loading/bulk ingest: data transporter support

Profit from expanded cloud benefits with RSTOR cloud storage
Archiware P5’s browser interface can be connected to RSTOR and configured for use with the P5 Data Management Platform. Both P5 Archive and P5 Backup support RSTOR and can automatically write to RSTOR Cloud Storage.
To reduce latency, multiple chunks can simultaneously be transferred to cloud storage. Internal backups, including erasure control, increase security even more. Data is accessible, regardless of geographical location and/or distribution.